(2 minute read time)
Think about the leaders you know that have a welcoming demeanor and great relationships. Now think about the ones that rule with an iron fist and use the stick way more than the carrot.
What causes a leader to lead one way or the other? Or even somewhere in between? What causes you to lead the way you do?
The answer is a simple, but not easy one. It’s thoughts. Everything we do stems from our thoughts.
Most of the time we all behave in way that we think will help us get something we do not yet have or allow us to keep something we do not want to lose.
It happens in nature all the time. A toad will make itself look bigger in order to not get eaten by a predator. There are birds who use false warning calls in order to keep food all to themselves.
We can be like the toad thinking “Don’t harm me” or the bird thinking “That’s mine”. And so we lash out. “Lash out” may look different for each of us – it may show up as anger, worry, frustration, self-pity, or self-doubt. It may require an extra glass (or three) of wine at night. Or an extra cookie.
The bird and the frog are acting on instinct. That works for them but, it does not always work for us. It does not work for us because we often sense fear when we don’t need to. Animals do not have the privilege of thinking about what they think about. We do.
The trick is to have a great relationship with ourselves first. Know ourselves, really know ourselves. Decide on purpose the kind of people we want to be. Then decide the kind of leader we want to be and choose our actions with intention.
Where do you need to be more intentional today?
Do you want some help figuring that out? Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session with me.
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