(2 minute read time) 

It’s Thanksgiving tomorrow.  My absolute FAVORITE holiday!  I love all the food, friends and family.  Most of all I love the abundant spirit of thankfulness and gratitude.   

Usually when we practice gratitude, we think of things like our families, friends, faith, homes, health and jobs.   These are very worthy things to be thankful for sure!

This year, I am going to keep all of those things on my list AND I am going to practice being grateful in a couple of different ways as well.  I am thinking this is like Gratitude 2.0 – wanna join me?

Gratitude for me
I think we don’t celebrate our own successes nearly enough.  We are really good at criticizing ourselves but we don’t give ourselves the proper credit when we slay a goal or overcome a challenge.  This past January, I started weight training. I had been thinking about it forever. I was sure I was not going to like it. But, I did it anyway.  And guess what?? Turns out I like it! I am grateful that I managed my mind to overcome the doubt. I am grateful that I am taking care of my physical health.  I am grateful I stuck with it. 

Gratitude for something I don’t have yet
Wait?  What? How can I be grateful for something I don’t have yet?  It’s totally possible. Think about the person who just won the lottery.  They see the numbers on the news and they see that they match their ticket.  They don’t have the money yet. In fact, they have at least a dollar less because they bought a ticket.  Yet, they are feeling pretty grateful I am sure. 

When I work with my clients on their goals, we frequently talk about the goal from a place of it already being done.  I see it in their eyes, their language, their demeanor – that energy and excitement, gratitude. The goal isn’t complete, but they feel the positive energy.      

Right now, I am testing a new coaching program – “How to Get Promoted at Work (Without Working Harder)”.  I am envisioning the pilot going amazingly well!  I imagine getting thorough feedback from my clients and I see my clients getting awesome results.  It feels amazing to look at it this way. I am feeling grateful for the success that is sure to come – for them and for me.  And when I think of it this way, it’s FAR more likely to play out that way.

Your turn!  What’s something about you that you are grateful for?  What’s something you are grateful for that you don’t have yet?

Oh, and there’s still a few spots left if you want to be a part of the “How to Get Promoted at Work (Without Working Harder)” pilot – it’s FREE!  Click here to apply.    

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