(2 minute read time)
I am in the business of asking questions. My clients will tell you, I ask them A LOT of questions.
I also ask myself a lot of questions. Here’s why.
Most of us already have the answers we seek we just need to access them. Asking yourself great questions is a sure-fire way to get some momentum.
You might wonder “What makes a question a great question?”
Now THAT is a great question! I’m glad you asked.
Often times, and especially when we are in a tough situation, we ask questions negatively.
- A project at work is delayed. We ask: “Why does this always happen?”
- We get passed up for a promotion. We ask: “What am I doing wrong?”
- An employee issue arises. We ask: “Why does everything have to be so difficult?”
Think about what kind of answers are going to come out of the questions above. Seriously, take a minute and imagine yourself in one of these situations. Ask the question and see what your brain comes up with. I’ll wait.
Here’s the deal. Your brain does not care if the question is a good one or not. It just really likes to make sure the question is answered.
Ok, now try these on instead:
- “What can I do to get this back on track?”
- “What are some ways I can grow & develop my skill set?”
- “What else could I try to make this better?”
Better right?
Our brains are amazingly powerful tools. Asking it great questions puts it to work for you instead of against you.
Here’s a question – Want to learn more? Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session with me.
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