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Recently I had the opportunity to speak to a wonderful group of professional women at the lovely Dali museum in downtown St. Petersburg.  I spoke to them about their goals and how to make achieving them inevitable.  As I prepared for that talk, it occurred to me that we often make our goals – and even just our day-to-day life – harder than necessary.

We do it unconsciously.  It’s subtle.  

Here’s how the problem starts.  No matter what we are trying to complete, whether it’s a big goal or just an errand we need to run, our brains predict what the experience will be like.

Typically, most of us will avoid doing anything our brains predict to be hard, difficult, impossible.  We choose things we believe we can accomplish. We predict success.  

In a quiet, sneaky way, we kind of believe that the goal or task should be somewhat easy.  Especially if it’s something in our wheelhouse.  

For example, I have been doing public speaking for around 15 years now.  One would think that after doing anything for that long it could now be done with confidence and poise every time.  But alas, that is not the case.      

Instead, I still feel more doubt than I feel confidence and poise.  Every. Single. Time.

Those doubts often stem from some version of the thought:  “It’s not supposed to be this hard”.  

After all, I have been doing this for so long now.  Why would the doubt still be there???  

The problem lies in believing the experience should be different, better.  The solution lies in accepting what is.  

When we think that something “shouldn’t be this hard” we are actually making it harder than it needs to be.  

When we accept something as it is with all of its challenges and obstacles we let go of resistance.  We can use that energy to overcome the challenge instead of wishing it away. 

Hard is where growth happens.  Just because you are doing something that involves your gifts and talents does not mean it will be easy.  Most worthwhile endeavors aren’t.  

What if you believed your goal, your day, is exactly as hard as it’s supposed to be?  Then what? 

Need a hand getting through something that’s harder than it’s “supposed” to be?  I can help. Just click here to schedule a free, 30-minute chat.  There are just a few spots left for October – don’t delay! 

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