(Less than 2 minutes)
You are amazing. Yes you. The one reading this.
Did you know that?
Like deep in your bones know it? Undoubtedly?
Some of us have a glimmer of our worth and yet fear being categorized as “arrogant” so we cloak our confidence in humility.
Many more don’t know it at all. The level of their awesomeness is unknown to them. Instead they question their value or worth. And, at most, claim themselves to be “average”.
If that’s you – listen up.
You. Are. Not. Average.
Average means typical, expected, in the middle, mediocre.
Mediocre is boring.
You are not boring.
You, like the rest of us, were born 100% awesome and worthy. Don’t worry about being arrogant, you can’t even take credit for this – you were just there.
And, you certainly weren’t born boring. That body you walk around in today is rather spectacular. You make 25 million new cells every single second. Your heart will beat about 100,000 times just today. That same heart pumps blood through thousands of miles of blood vessels that, if laid end to end, could circle the globe! And, just like your fingerprint, your tongue print (if you ever took one) would be completely unique to you, unlike any other in the world.
Now, I’m not suggesting you go lick an ink pad and stamp your tongue to feel unique and special. But what I am suggesting is that we take a look at what we’ve allowed to degrade our inherent worth.
Somehow, after we grow up a bit we start to erode our own worth. We define our worth in comparison to others. We make it about our accomplishments or lack of them. We let past mistakes, guilt, and shame factor into the equation.
What if you dropped all that? What if you believed the truth about how incredible you are?
Who would you be then? What could you accomplish or create from a place of sure-footed worthiness? I bet it would be pretty darn incredible. I can definitely help. Click here to chat!
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