(2 minute read time)
It’s New Year’s Eve so if you are going to make a resolution or a goal for 2019, today is a really good day to decide what it’s going to be.
In my last post I shared my belief that accomplishing goals or resolutions will not make us better or happier. So the question naturally becomes “Why bother then?”
Today I offer you 4 reasons you want to bother…
- Maximizes potential – Your purpose and mine are the same, to evolve into the next version of ourselves. To ask more of ourselves and remove the obstacles that preventing us from knowing how great we really are.
- Gives us direction – When we have something we are working towards achieving, it gives our brain direction. Our brains operate naturally on the Motivational Triad – seek pleasure, avoid pain and expend the least amount of energy possible. Without purposeful direction, like goals, we will easily recycle the same lives we already have.
- Life is more interesting – Whether we set a goal or not, we will have a mix of good and bad, ups and downs in our lives. As we work towards a goal we get a new mix of good and bad, ups and downs. If we are going to have a positive and negative experiences in life anyway, why not make them new and different ones?
- Results – Achieving the results we want doesn’t just happen on accident. Goals are a way of deciding what you want the results to be instead of doing life haphazardly. You envision the life you want and then go get it.
Any result you want to achieve in 2019 is totally and completely possible. I encourage you to think big. Have a moonshot goal. Choose something you currently think is impossible and challenge yourself to go after it wholeheartedly. The only thing between you and that goal is your thoughts about it. Let’s live out 2019 on purpose.
Would you like some help setting and achieving your moonshot goal? Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session.