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Make a career change. Ask for a raise. Stop an unhealthy habit. Try online dating.
These are a few things clients have shared they WANT to do, but delayed taking action on. They’re uncertain about how it will go. They fear the worst. In short, they lack confidence.
“I just have low self-confidence” they’ll report. As if self-confidence were a genetic trait like eye color or height.
Self-confidence is a feeling, an emotion. Not a fixed trait.
It’s also not a required ingredient to move forward towards our hopes and dreams. But, it sure is nice to have. So, how does one go about getting more of it?
Self-confidence, like all feelings, comes from our Thoughts. If we spend our time thinking about how awful a new endeavor could turn out, then of course we aren’t going to feel very confident.
Instead, try on Thoughts that create self-confidence instead of eroding it. This is not to suggest we lie to ourselves and try to believe everything will be rainbows and daisies.
True self-confidence is not even about the outcome of whatever we are trying to accomplish. It’s not about getting it “right”.
Genuine self-confidence is about having a solid, trusting relationship with yourself. The kind of relationship where it’s ok to make mistakes. Where we respond to the outcome, successful or not, with kindness, not criticism. The kind where we don’t make a failed attempt mean anything more than just that – a failed attempt.
Self-confidence is knowing I have my own back, no matter how things turn out.
If you wonder if that level of self-confidence is even possible for you, I challenge you to go back in time and find evidence. What are all of your accomplishments big and small? When have you gone after something you didn’t know how to do and completed it? What have you become great at over the years?
When we take time to locate past self-confidence we can leverage that to create more. There’s literally an unlimited supply available to you. Need a hand finding yours? I can definitely help. Click here to chat!
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