(2 minute read time)
At the beginning of last year, I set some big goals. I had a beautiful vision with lots of grand plans for growth and evolution. I was making big changes and I was excited!
Then life happened.
Mom broke her leg. My beloved dog passed away. My dear friend was battling cancer. There was turmoil in my personal life. None of this was a part of the plan!!!
I could not do all the things I wanted to because I had to take care of these other things. I felt stuck.
Have you been there? You know, that place where nothing is going according to plan?
It’s in those moments we have a choice. Quit or show up despite our circumstances.
You see, it is not our circumstances in life that determine who we are. It is how we choose to show up in them. And I promise you it is ALWAYS a choice.
The mind is powerful – it’s why many people report feeling better after only getting a placebo in a medical trial. If we believe things are going to get better, they do.
The mind is the thing that creates the feeling of stuck and it is also the thing that creates the feelings hopefulness and possibility.
When we feel stuck, we act stuck.
The truth is we are never really stuck.
When you feel stuck ask yourself “How do I want to show up in this situation?”.
Note that the question was NOT “How can I change the situation?”. Instead, let circumstances be what they are. You can argue with reality, but you’ll lose. Try something new. Embrace reality and just be deliberate in choosing how you show up in what is.
By the way, Mom’s leg is much better, my friend is now cancer-free and the turmoil in my personal life has subsided! I still miss my dog, I probably always will – and that’s ok.
We all get stuck sometimes. And, we can all use some help getting unstuck, click here to schedule a free, 30-minute discovery session.
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