(3 minute read time)
The corporate world can be a competitive environment. We often think in order to get ahead of “the competition” we have to be very talented and we have to spend a lot of time applying that talent.
Sure, it takes effort. But it doesn’t have to be the fierce competition you might be making it.
What comes up for you when you think of being a “competitive” person?
Some of my clients are fueled to take positive action by it. Some of them just feel drained by it, it feels like a rat-race.
What’s the difference between these people? Why do some people experience the same emotion in such different ways?
The answer lies in the difference between an abundant and a scarcity mindset. Here’s an example.
John is up for a promotion. He compares himself to the “competition” and thinks if someone other than him got it, it would be terrible. He is doubtful because he has been here before and did not get it. Behind this thought is the classic scarcity mindset. It’s an assumption that there are not enough promotions to go around.
That’s. Just. Not. True.
If John really wanted a promotion it’s completely possible. He could make it happen.
So can you. A quick search on Indeed will often reveal hundreds (if not 1000’s) of positions in your desired field, at the desired level, in a desired location. In addition, I have seen corporations create positions that at one time did not exist – just to keep the talent within the company. I have seen positions created because an employee demonstrated there’s a need and demonstrated the ability to fill that need.
Our minds often limit ourselves to the immediate, obvious possibilities.
Let’s look at a different example. Theresa is up for a promotion. She knows that if she does not get it this time she will get it in the future. She has faith in her leaders to select the best person for the job and believes they will make the right decision – even if the decision was to not promote her. Theresa has faith in her capabilities and is committed to doing whatever it takes, for as long as it takes. She is committed to taking Massive Action until she gets the result she wants. She has an abundant mindset. She is driven to continually beat her own results, to out-do what she has done in the past, to raise the bar of what’s possible for her.
The reason why most of us do not have the results we want is NOT because of a lack of time or talent.
The real reason is our mindset.
John is in competition with others. Theresa is in competition with herself.
John thinks the options are limited. Theresa thinks the options are limitless.
John thinks “if”. Theresa thinks “when”.
John thinks if someone else wins he lost. Theresa thinks other people’s wins are inspirational, it means the desired result is possible.
Shed the idea that it’s all about time and talent. Let me help. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session.
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