(<2-minute read time)
“I can’t wait until this is over”
“Once this ends, I’ll be happy”
“I’ll be glad when things get back to normal”
How often have you heard or said these kinds of statements lately?
I get it. I know things are different. And, in many ways, harder.
In addition to the many adjustments we’ve had to make, lots of things have been cancelled or postponed.
And, at the same time, there’s a lot that has not been cancelled or postponed.
This moment, the one where you are reading this, has not been cancelled.
Good for you for taking some time to fill your mind with something other than scary headlines and the subsequent fear and worry.
Yes, read the news. Yes, stay informed.
And, balance it out with embracing the moments we have. Even though life isn’t what we expected it to be like right now, each moment we have is still ours to fill as we choose.
Please don’t wish them away. You can’t get them back…
When you look back on this time, what do you want to say about it?
For me, I want to say I made the absolute most of it. I want to say I turned up the amount of gratitude, generosity, kindness, hope, encouragement, and love – at a time when people need it the most.
Coincidentally, I have found that the more I focus on being IN the moment I actually have, the faster the next one comes. So, if you really want to get through this “more quickly” then dive in and embrace what you can.
Laugh, listen to music, read a book, enjoy a walk, look for ways to help, video chat (some more) with friends and family. And when you do talk to those loved ones, maybe encourage them to not wish their moments away either.
Life has not been cancelled, it’s just different.
What will you do differently? I can help. Just click here.
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