(2-minute read time)
Ever have one of those days that feels like Murphy was an optimist? One of those days where if it can go wrong, it will, and it’s going to happen all on that same day?
On one such day I was dusting and broke a vase, one of my favorites (naturally). I put the larger pieces in a trash bag and got the vacuum to clean up the shards. As I was cleaning, the vacuum was just close enough to the trash bag to suck up the handles (of course).
What do you suppose my immediate reaction was?
Slam my hand down on the bag. You know, the bag OF BROKEN GLASS?!?!
It was a reflex. Just like when doc hits your knee with that little triangle hammer.
There was no time for my brain to analyze the contents of the bag before deciding it was imperative that I rescue the bag from the vacuum (or was I rescuing the vacuum from the bag? I have no idea…)
After the vacuum and the bag were successfully extricated from one another, I thought back on what happened. I was fascinated by the speed of this reflex and how it could have been a pretty gruesome outcome. You can breathe a sigh of relief, I wasn’t terribly injured. I happened to land in such a way that I only endured barely a scratch. (Guess it wasn’t such a bad day after all)
Our thoughts, opinions, judgments can be a lot like our physical reflexes. They can happen instantly, they are “Reflex Thoughts”.
Reflexive Thoughts are not inherently a problem. They may even be very good thoughts that are helpful & useful. However, they are often responsible for creating and/or perpetuating problems in your life.
One way to tell if your “Reflexive Thoughts” are serving you is to simply take a look at them. We have about 70,000 thoughts per day. Observe some of them. Write them down. Notice if they are positive, neutral, or negative.
Consider the idea that these thoughts are the things that actually determine what kind of day you have. Those days add up into weeks, months, years, and ultimately a lifetime. Consider the idea that every single one of your thoughts is optional. Are your thoughts reflective of the kind of life you want to be living? Most of us can use a hand with this part. If that’s you, I can definitely help. Click here to chat!
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