(2-minute read time)
I listened to a man tell this story about how he proved his colleague wrong. He told the story with high energy and enthusiasm. It was clear he took great pride in being right.
We all know someone like this know-it-all guy right? We all know people that just seem to enjoy being difficult, challenging, annoying. The ones we dread having to interact with.
It’s tempting to believe that THEY are the problem. If they would just change their behavior then it would be easier to get along with them.
Typically, forcing people to change their behavior isn’t effective. Even if we are successful at it, there’s often resentment left behind. Seriously, think about the last time someone tried to get you to do something you really did not want to do or agree with… It just doesn’t work well.
So if we can’t change them, the only option left is to change ourselves and the way we respond.
That begs the question – what is the most effective way to respond to challenging people?
I want to make a case for love being one really great option.
Wait. What? Love??
You might be thinking “You want me to LOVE the annoying, challenging, difficult people??? I am not even sure I LIKE them let alone LOVE them!!”
Here’s what I want you to consider.
Our relationship with anyone is made up entirely of thoughts. You can choose to think anything you want about the people in your life. Yet, often we choose judgmental, critical, or just plain negative thoughts about ourselves and others.
How do you suppose that impacts an already challenged relationship?
Last year I laid down a dare and this 2020 Valentine’s week, I am daring you again.
Walk around your workplace today and practice just feeling love for those around you – especially the challenging people. You can find even just one small thing you appreciate about almost anyone if you really wanted to. You don’t even have to say a word. Just try it in your mind for one whole day.
What you will find is that even if nothing else changes – you’ll feel a whole lot better. Because love just feels better than what you were thinking and feeling before you took this dare.
And, don’t be surprised when that challenging person all the sudden becomes less annoying to you.
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