(2-minute read time)
A few years ago I bought a small 1920’s home that definitely needed some work. Of course, when I purchased it, I envisioned all the things I could do, what it could become. Visions of Pinterest wins danced in my head.
Fast forward to today. Have I accomplished some of the things I wanted to get done at the house? Yes. Is there more? Definitely. And yet, whenever I consider starting a significant house project I find a reason to not do it.
As I pondered over the loss of momentum on my home improvement projects, I noticed a recurring theme. A lack of resources – typically time, energy, money.
This theme of scarcity shows up for most of us in all kinds of circumstances. In fact, just about anything we do not want to do at the moment can be justifiably dismissed with statements that sound like:
- “Now just isn’t a good time”
- “Once I have more…. (time, energy, money, etc.)”
- “I’ll do it when I have less… (stress, demands, etc.)”
We act as if the “perfect time” to start on a goal exists and comes around frequently. This fantasy land of “perfect timing” is the place where good goals go to die.
As I became aware of my excuses and justifications I decided to reconsider my thinking on all this house project stuff. I asked myself this game-changing question: “What if the goal starts now?” Like right now, with the exact amount of resources available to me at this moment. What if I did not wait for an obstacle-free time? What if overcoming the scarcity – the lack of time, energy, money was actually a PART of the plan?
When you take charge of whatever it is that is stopping you from going after your dream and reduce it to just a step in the process, it loses it’s stopping power.
It’s kind of mind-blowing to make the current obstacle simply a part of the plan.
It’s getting to that time of year where you are either evaluating how you close you are on your 2019 goals and/or considering what 2020 will look like. Maybe you’re like me and it’s time for both evaluations. Either way, consider re-naming that obstacle that’s in the way. Instead of “obstacle” rename it “part of the plan”. Renaming it reduces it.
Want even more help reducing the obstacles in the way of your desired life? I can help. Now is the perfect time to design 2020 and there aren’t many spots left. Don’t wait. Click here now and let’s get started!
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