(2 minute read time)

If you are anything like me, there is at least a couple tasks on your To-Do list that get carried over to the next day or week or yikes, month!
They’re probably not fires that need to be put out, yet they are important enough to be on your list. Maybe they have deadlines (like performance reviews) and maybe they don’t (like updating your LinkedIn profile).
There’s this conflict between wanting them done and not wanting to do them.
The simple reason behind why they linger instead of getting done and crossed off the list is a thought. Yep, that’s it. It’s just a thought.
We usually think it is the task itself, or the time it will take, that causes us to leave it on the list. It’s not. It’s our thoughts about the task, our thoughts about the time it takes.
Thoughts create feelings. If we think a task is going to be boring, difficult, time-consuming or arduous then we are likely generating a feeling of reluctance to do it. And we will probably not do it.
Instead of giving into this, ask yourself how you want to feel in the doing of the task. Maybe you want to feel motivated, confident, or determined. All of those emotions are available to you now with the right thought.
Ask yourself, “What could I think to feel (insert desired emotion here)?”.
I assure you action will follow and you will get those things off your list!
Want to learn more about how to get those pesky, lingering To-Do’s done? Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session with me.
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