(<2-minute read time)
What’s the best feeling you’ve had since terms like “social distancing” and “canceled” became some of the most common phrases used in a day?
It can be tempting to think we do not have control over how we feel about our circumstances. We might think that when “bad” things happen then, of course, we will feel “bad”.
However, I promise you, feeling “bad” is not required. A colleague of mine who is also a physician volunteered to cover the COVID-19 unit at her hospital today. She chose to do this because she believes she’s in a great position to be able to help. She’s feeling emotions like love, excitement, and purpose. Not bad feelings at all.
I’ve been thinking about those that do not have the option to telework and those, like my colleague, that could have said “No” but didn’t. I appreciate their dedication and their willingness to think thoughts that are keeping access to crucial things like healthcare available to us all. I am feeling a ton of gratitude. Not a bad feeling at all.
“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius
The human spirit is one of resilience. It’s inspiring to see us come together in new ways. We are getting creative in how we can support our friends, families, and communities. We aren’t giving up, it’s just not who we are as a species.
Don’t ignore the negative emotions you’ve got coming up. They’re allowed too. I am simply asking you to consider what else could you be feeling right now? What else could you also be noticing about your specific situation that’s true and feels better?
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