(<2-minute read time) 

School’s canceled in a lot of places.  That’s a circumstance.  

Most kids are delighted and most parents are not.  Why?  

This school situation is clear evidence that our thoughts create our feelings.  

How do you WANT to feel about the current state of affairs right now?  If you want to feel better than you do, the answer lies in your thoughts.  

Without our thoughts, there is no fear and frustration.  

At the same time, if you are feeling these things that’s actually perfect.  It means your brain is operating as it should. It’s supposed to look out for danger and protect you.  

You are wise to look to protect yourself and your family.  At the same time, because our brains are obsessed with staying alive, we can quickly become addicted to the latest news cycle.  

Our primary thoughts and beliefs are a reflection of what we expose ourselves to the most.  I am not suggesting that any of you deny the reality of our world. I am suggesting some balance.  If you want to watch the news, please do. And then, expose your brain to something positive. Or, even better, take some time to digest any facts (actual facts, not opinions) you just learned on the news and decide on purpose what you want to make those things mean. 

There are facts in the world and then there are our interpretations of them.  If we were to drop all the scary interpretations we have most of us would find that at this very moment we are ok.  We have what we need. Perhaps there’s a new normal emerging. OK. So what? Let’s do this. We can totally do this. 

Need a hand?  Just click here.  

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