(2 minute read time)
Do you embrace failure? There are TONS of articles, blogs and speakers that tell us we should. But do you? Really?
If we are honest, most of us would say “No”. I don’t blame you.
Success feels so much better than failure. Success feels amazing. It’s kind of addicting really.
So, we typically end up lowering our expectations of ourselves so we can get more of that amazing feeling of success. And avoid the awful feeling of failure.
The problem is when we lower our expectations we are also cheating ourselves out of our real dreams. We fail ahead of time by not even trying. We don’t go after our real passion, our real desires, our moonshot goals. We either recycle the life we already have or go after smaller, easier goals we believe we can accomplish.
So how do we get out of this horrible habit?
- Let yourself dream – make a list of your BIG goals, the ones that seem impossible. Pick one.
- Make a plan – List all the things that need to happen for you to accomplish the goal. Put them on your calendar. Commit to honoring these appointments. Don’t fail by not doing them
- Define failure – Most of us make our fails mean there is something wrong with us. Then we give up and beat ourselves up. Decide now what you will tell yourself if your plan doesn’t work. “I’m learning what doesn’t work” and “I am curious about what will work” are phrases I use often.
- Keep Going – Do. Not. Quit.
I love the imagery of a child learning to walk. They have some EPIC fails in the process of learning to walk. The very act of falling down and getting back up again is the thing that strengthens their legs so they eventually walk successfully and confidently.
Need some help failing? Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session with me.