(2-minute read time)
I got to facilitate a workshop for a corporate client a couple of weeks ago. I love that part of my job. I also really love one-on-one work with my clients. In fact, there’s very little about my job that I don’t love – but it was not always that way.
I’ve had many days where I felt like to guy in the old Dunkin’ Donuts commercial who would get up early and shuffle his way in and out the door everyday mumbling “Time to make the donuts”.
How about you? Do you do what you love and love what you do? Or, do you feel like it’s time to make the donuts?
Many of my clients feel conflicted about this. There are things about their job that they love but they just do not feel fulfilled. Leaving the job seems impossible – the pay, the benefits, the safety. Staying seems like the “responsible” thing to do.
When I was having my Donut Days, I believed I was just enduring reality.
The truth was I created my reality. Work was unfulfilling because of what I thought, not because of what it involved.
And then I figured it out. I get to think anything I want about my work. I could think it was meaningful, fun, fulfilling, impactful, important. When I tried on those thoughts it was easier to find evidence that it was true. Suddenly, I felt differently about it and lo and behold, I showed up differently too.
But, that’s only short term.
What about really finding your true purpose on this planet?
It starts with figuring out how to manage your mind in the job you currently have. When you figure out how to show up as the best version of yourself, even in an undesirable situation, you have a skill that will serve you both in and outside of work – FOREVER.
The next step is to allow yourself to dream again. Remember when you were a child and someone asked you what you wanted to be? You didn’t list your career aspirations and then quickly retract them because of all the hurdles you would have to overcome to get there. You just shared what you were interested in and totally believed it was possible to enter that profession.
I am here today to tell you it is possible. In fact, that thing that you have been thinking about doing but feels impossible is probably the very thing people are waiting for you to show up and do.
Are you torn between being “responsible” and living a life of purpose? It’s not an either-or situation, I promise. I can definitely help, just click here to schedule a free, 30-minute discovery session.
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