(<3-minute read time)
We set goals. We go after them. We experience failure. We get up, dust off and take another whack at it. And if we choose to repeat the “fail, get up, dust off and take another whack” part for as long as it takes, eventually, we get there. We reach the goal.
But what about the people that don’t reach the goal? They’re not incapable. They are smart, talented people. What gives?
Here’s what gives. The main reason why any one of us hasn’t reached an intended goal yet is because our belief is not strong enough.
I can hear some of you now. “Oh come on Deneen, are you saying all I have to do is believe in my goal and it will come true? Isn’t this some Law of Attraction woo woo BS? I mean I actually have to DO something, not just believe.”
And you’re right. Action is a required part of reaching goals. I was having this same conversation with my coach recently and she blew me away when she said:
“We can’t out act our thinking”
She could not have been more right.
Think about how you feel when you initially set a goal. We often start with the end in mind and we imagine how awesome it is going to be at the finish line. We start off enthusiastically believing it could all really happen.
But then, we start tackling it. It gets hard. We fail.
Our thoughts change. We start believing the OPPOSITE of what we believed when we started out. We start believing we can’t. Here is where we often downsize, delay or give up on the goal.
Today I want to offer you the option to re-decide FOR your goal instead of changing your mind AGAINST your goal. Reconsider all the reasons why you wanted the goal in the first place, all the reasons why it was once possible.
What you will come up with is a bunch of thoughts. Thoughts are all optional – ALL of them! Why not pick the ones that propel you forward?
Spend some time in re-decision mode. Are those thoughts that you had at the onset still plausible? If they are, then re-decide to believe them again! If not, why not? (Be sure you like your answers!)
Success is just a series of decisions. I encourage you today to re-decide, and keep on re-deciding until you get the result you want.
It’s perfectly normal to want to throw in the towel, especially if your goal is a stretch. Sometimes it’s hard to muster up the desire to take another whack, especially if you’ve already taken a bunch of whacks. If this is you, I can definitely help, just click here and we will chat. No awkward sales pitch – just a free helping hand. What do you have to lose?
Photo credit: majorvols
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