(<2 minute read time)
“I’m just not good with numbers”
“Public speaking makes me nervous”
“Interviews are intimidating”
These seem like innocent, truthful observations any normal person might have.
They’re not.
They’re beliefs.
Beliefs are just thoughts we repeatedly think. After a while, they become true and real to us in our minds.
Beliefs are so important because they guide how we show up in the world and ultimately, beliefs determine our results.
Often, we’ve just been thinking them for so long we do not question them. An unexamined belief can be detrimental.
Here are three steps to ensure your beliefs are working for you and not against you.
- Get Curious: What do you believe about yourself? Your life? The people in your life? Your past? Your future?
- Decide: Do you like your answers to #1? If not, what would be a better belief to have? Make the new belief a believable one. If the desired belief is too far of a leap from the current one, this won’t work. You can take baby steps towards it though. Ladder thoughts can help.
- Practice: It’s not likely you’ll just decide on a new belief and then it becomes real to you. Like anything new, it requires practice. Watch for the old one to show up (it will) and use that as a cue to practice the new. Write the new one. Post it somewhere visible.
When we believe something over and over it becomes our reality. Make sure you are creating the reality you truly desire.
Are your beliefs intentional? Are they serving you? I can help. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session.
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