As someone who calls Tampa Bay home – wow, what a Super Bowl!!! I like football but if I’m honest, really it’s mostly about the food and the commercials. But not this year – what a game, way to go Bucs!! Not to mention the Super Bowl ads were not as entertaining as usual. Although, the ad offering an opportunity to be on board the first all-civilian MISSION TO OUTER SPACE caught my attention. Did you see it? It’s not that it was all that entertaining, but there’s something far more valuable hidden in there.
How did you react to the offer to go to outer space? Or, in case you didn’t see it – how WOULD react to such an offer? My reaction was super fast, like a reflex, and it surprised me. It sounded something like “There’s no way, I don’t have what it takes”. Before ever looking up any details, I disqualified myself. Turns out I actually could qualify. And while I do think a journey to space would be pretty cool – it doesn’t sing to my heart’s desire enough to pursue.
What about you? Maybe your reflex thoughts sound like mine. But, let me ask you something… Could you accidentally be saying “No way” to a dream you actually do want? Might you be accepting a knee-jerk belief that says you’re not enough? That you can’t really have the kind of future you want in a certain area of your life?
Maybe it’s not a dream about outer space but one closer to home. Perhaps it’s a dream for your health, your relationships, finances, or career. Getting to the results you really want may require you to see the future with a different lens.
Getting to the BIG dreams in life means believing the best about your future, believing in your success, before you have the evidence to support that belief. It may sound ridiculous, to believe something without evidence, but the alternative isn’t very inspiring. Plus, it’s way more fun to envision success and makes taking the next tiny step a whole lot easier. For a quick read about how this could work in your life, just click here. #20TwentyWon.
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