(3 minute read time)
We are 9 days into 2019. How are you doing on that New Year’s Resolution?
In my last post I gave you 4 reasons why you want to set a goal. And in this one I am going to give 5 steps to see it through.
Lots of studies have been done and we all know most resolutions don’t stick and goals go unachieved. So how do we stop this?
- Make sure your goal is meaningful to you – the goals someone else gives us or thinks we should achieve are often not compelling. Take some time to hang out with yourself and ask yourself what you would do if you were not too busy, too fearful, too tired. Imagine all of it is possible (because it is) and then pick the thing you are most drawn to. Don’t spin in confusion here, just pick one.
- Know your WHY – Think about the reason you want to accomplish the goal you chose. You will need this to fall back on when you don’t feel like doing what it takes to get there. Simon Sinek, in his famous Ted Talk implores us that “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. The same is true for ourselves. We don’t buy into just the outcome of our desires, we buy into WHY we want it. Why do you want to lose the weight? Get the promotion? Earn that advanced degree? Run the marathon? Whatever it is – know your why.
- Anticipate obstacles – Think about everything that could get in the way of the finish line. This includes “not feeling like it”. Write these all down. Next, and most importantly, develop realistic strategies for every single obstacle. Write those down too.
- Ditch the To Do list – To Do lists are a waste of time. Get rid of all your To Do lists. Use your calendar. If you are already using your calendar, stop treating your calendar like a To Do list. Only put appointments on there you intend to actually do during the time slot they are in. Treat your appointments with yourself the same as an appointment with an employee, friend or colleague. Do NOT put it on your calendar with the mindset of “I might do it if the day goes smoothly” or “If all goes well” or “If I feel like it”.
- Go do it – No matter what. Develop your sticktoitiveness (such a fun word isn’t it?). Merriam-Webster defines sticktoitiveness as “dogged perseverance”. What does dogged perseverance look like for you? What would you have to do to say you doggedly persevered in pursuit of your goal? Think about it this way…. Most of us would doggedly persevere in pursuit of staying alive. We are pretty committed to that. We would probably do almost anything including foraging for food, living in the woods, running feverishly away from a dangerous animal. Are you THAT committed to your goal? That truly is really the kind of commitment we need. Especially if our goals are big enough!
There is a lot more that can be said here about time and priority management. If you want some help click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session with me.
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