(<2-minute read time)
I recently received this text message…

While it is really funny, it is also a great example of how our thoughts ultimately determine our results.
Right now many of us are finding time feels a little different right now. We have a different relationship with time. It is not that we have MORE or LESS time, we have the same amount of time we always had. We’re just filling it differently these days.
How will you fill your time?
I can promise you with 100% confidence that how you think about time will show up in your results.
The meme proves it – if I think I do not have time to clean the house, my result will be an unclean house.
Coincidentally, if I think I have lots of extra time and “I can get to it later”, my result will also be an unclean house.
Whether it’s a clean house, a great homeschool schedule for the kids, delivering excellent results at work, or any other result you want – your result is going to depend on your relationship with time.
Today I encourage you to ask yourself what you think about time. Notice what comes up. Does it feel like you have enough? Does it feel like it’s all being consumed with new responsibilities/concerns?
Whatever comes up, don’t judge it as good or bad. Instead, just notice if that’s likely to help you get to your desired results. If it’s not, that’s ok – you get to think anything you want to about time.
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