(2 minute read time)
If you have been reading any of my work you know I am a big proponent of thinking on purpose. Studies show humans have an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. Often we just accept them as truth, no questions asked.
We often talk to ourselves far more harshly than we ever would consider speaking to one of our employees, friends or family members.
And, it’s not just limited to our self-talk. We also have some super unhelpful thoughts about the people and situations in our lives.
It is often unrealistic to go from trash talking to thinking positively about ourselves, others and/or our circumstances.
When I work with my clients on their thoughts we do not try to find some goofy affirmation and “fake it ‘til we make it”. Instead, we examine what is going on that’s factual and then pick a BELIEVABLE thought about it.
For example, imagine having a “problem” employee. We will call her Jane. You might be thinking “She is just so negative”. While that may feel believable and true, thinking it has no upside.
Transforming that thought to “She’s amazing and I am so lucky to have her on my team” feels like malarkey.
I introduce to you, ladder thoughts.
A ladder thought is a stepping stone from what you are thinking to what you want to be thinking.
In the case of the “problem” employee it might sound something like:
“I am open to the idea that Jane and I can work this out”
“I am considering the possibility that Jane has great potential”
“It is possible that there is another way I can look at this situation with Jane”
Ladder thoughts give us options. Would you like to explore some with me? Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session.
P.S. – Ladder thoughts work best when you know what you are currently thinking. Read this post for a quick, easy way to uncover your current thoughts.