(2 minute read time)
“Everything in my life gets just the right amount of time and attention”: said no one ever.
Often, when we think of a balanced life we think of having all the time we need to do all of the things we want to do.
You all know I think nothing is impossible. So, I am not falling for the whole “balance is unattainable” argument. At the same time, I am consciously NOT pursuing it. I am not sure it’s worth it.
We all get 24 hours each day. I do not want a life where those 24 hours are somehow uniformly doled to the different areas of my life.
Instead, I like to think of priorities and accept that there will be seasons in my life where a lot of my time is intentionally going to a certain area.
Years ago I was pursuing my college degree while working full time. During that season, my priorities were work and school, work and school, work and school. It wasn’t that I did not care about other areas of my life. But, I wanted to pay for my degree at the same time I was earning it in order to avoid a boat-load of debt. My life was very UN-balanced and I wanted it that way.
Gaining forward momentum on that thing you have always wanted to accomplish or achieve often means having to direct most of your energy towards it. At least for a period of time.
Letting go of the idea that we SHOULD have balance is so freeing. It’s much easier to decide what to do with our time when we have a conscious priority.
I am not suggesting that we carelessly ignore the other areas. Instead, look at each area of your life and determine what is the #1 most important thing for each. Then, focus on those. Rinse and repeat.
Have you consciously chosen your priorities? Or, are you running around trying to squelch the loudest voices and feeling desperate for some “balance”? I can help.
Click here to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session.